Montessori today

The Montessori materials and lessons developed by Dr Montessori have withstood the test of time. The skills developed and the progression from simple to complex, and concrete to abstract, meet the needs of children this century just as they did in Rome at the beginning of last century.

Traditional schools are embracing aspects of Montessori education, such as concrete learning materials, multi-age classes, involvement of the child in setting their own learning goals, teaching to meet individual needs and strengths, process-focused assessment, development of an integrated curriculum across subject areas, and a focus on the whole child.

Today there are about 7,000 Montessori schools worldwide.

Our philosophy

At Burnham Country Montessori our teachers bring out what is within a child and and educate them to the highest possible intellectual, moral and cultural level.

We develop each child’s independence, concentration, gross and fine motor skills, co-ordination, self esteem, social skills and awareness, intelligence, language skills and self-discipline, control and order.

We encourage and enable a child to develop their personality and to cultivate the their natural love of learning and inquisitiveness.